
Railing Codex is a project by Pararailing, their friends, and friends of their friends.
Railing Codex是栏杆外和朋友们以及朋友们的朋友们共同展开的写作项目。

Railing Codex /ˈreɪlɪŋ ˈkəʊdɛks/ noun

1. A writing project initiated by Pararailing in April 2022. Launched online in June of the same year.

2. A dictionary with expanding volumes. In each volume, contributors select one word from a designated list and interpret it in their chosen genre and language. 

3. A relay. Contributors each select one word from their respective entry and nominate a writer to participate in the next volume. The nominated writer chooses from this new list of words.

4. A story, which goes as follows:

Last fall, after bidding farewell to our physical space in Shanghai, we proceeded to work on a new introductory text for Pararailing. Finding a fitting definition for ourselves has always been challenging: “an institution” is too pretentious, and “an organization” feels awkwardly formal. We felt lucky that we had had a space, because anything that follows “Pararailing is a space” always and automatically sounds decent.   Without “a space” as our temporary recourse, we are back to square one. In the first article published on our WeChat account, we asked: “What is beyond the railing?” The question now requires a more inquisitive follow-up: what is “beyond the railing,” namely Pararailing? In tandem with the birth of Pararailing, the word “pararailing” was coined. We remember the backstory of this made-up word by heart. It began with an encounter with a Wikipedia entry, which defines railings as “in general … a boundary feature.”   Odd yet precisely worded, this definition intrigued us. A word that literally means boundary comes with a boundary of its own—this self-referentiality opens up the word’s possibilities, a portal pointing to everything it is not and everything that lies beyond it. What are the cases that are not general? Under such non-general circumstances, will the meanings of “railing” and their antonyms conflate? Could “pararailing” become a potential definition for “railing”? If so, does it mean that any railing—whether outside of our doors, at airport customs, or between cultures, nations, and languages—carries with it a meaning of “leaping over itself”? Whether or not these questions stand up to rigorous scrutiny, they serve as mental hurdle practice in a world ambushed with railings. More than a year after the founding of Pararailing, we launched Railing Codex, where “words” are our next railing to jump over. A writing project, Railing Codex invites writers to contribute original definitions for words picked from a designated list. As the project continues in consecutive rounds, the collected entries are compiled into a dictionary of expanding volumes, a collectively written encyclopedia.  This past April, we began working on Volume 1 with our first cohort of contributors. The first list of words bears a deep connection with Pararailing. During the early days of Pararailing, we would jot down our preliminary ideas in a Google Doc. A few pages in this document were dedicated to words, seemingly arbitrary and all-encompassing, ranging from daily objects and actions to architectural elements, mathematical concepts, and geological terms. “Railing” was one of them. 

appendage, pile, although, belong, universal, crack, family; preposition; iota, clamor, medium, tablet, hanzi grid, prime, imaginary/rational number, ordinal, however, index, reference, film, resonance; related to writing/notetaking: pen, title page, rivet, paper clip, attachment, label; related to architecture: balcony, park, platform, porch, railing, roller blind; screen, window; related to geography: ridge, fault, tectonic plates, perihelion, aphelion, [solar] zenith angle, monsoon, convection, contour line; related to spatial relationship/movement: translation, parallel, overlap, juxtaposition, coordinate, fold, fill, displacement;  related to mathematics: complement (set theory), empty set, union (set theory), obtuse/acute angle, line segment, tolerance (statistics), variance (statistics)

These words were the products of a brainstorming session on what to name ourselves. In the end, “railing” came out on top, and “pararailing” was born. The rest of the words became the unfortunate, nameless runners-up in this competition, lost in this tiny ocean of lexicon. But we never forgot about the other words that could have become “Pararailing.” So we made a list and asked twenty contributors—artists, curators, writers, poets, scholars, and art professionals, including the three organizers of Pararailing— to write about them in their chosen language and genre. This project is a salvage operation for Pararailing’s history and a rescue mission for these lost words. The ethos of Pararailing’s programming can be traced back to the moment when we stumbled upon that Wikipedia definition, our thinking and imagination drastically expanded by the encounter with such an ordinary word. To rescue a word is to liberate it from its preexisting definitions and our own impressions of it, thereby liberating our minds. The basic units that constitute our language, words shape the grounds on which we speak, communicate, and perceive. Words are commonplace and vast. Neatly classified by their parts of speech and meanings, words present to us knowledge in the form of dictionaries: bound into volumes, knowledge is palpable, inexhaustible, and always at hand.  But a word remains unknown to us regardless of our knowledge of it. What is this word, and what else can it mean, if it is stripped of the imprints of books, websites, and our minds? How can words seep into our reality and trickle into the streams of our lives? And how can the ebb and flow of life, experience, and emotion enter every word, every dictionary? Ink saturated, pages soaked; we reshape knowledge like kneading a piece of clay, allowing meanings to emerge. These meanings belong to us and remain faithful to what is real; they compile our own alternative codex.   By then, this codex of railings will be liberated from Pararailing, arriving somewhere even further beyond. Each contributor is asked to invite a writer to participate in the next volume and to pick a word from their respective entry for the next writer to interpret. Word-hurdling is a relay race; Pararailing has no power to set the finish line, and perhaps, we too wish there was no finish line. We are equally curious to see how far Pararailing can reach beyond itself.   At the starting line, let us re-introduce ourselves. Written at a time when Railing Codex was yet to be born, our answers to What is Pararailing?_ _might have secretly bred the idea all along. The following definition of “Pararailing” is but another entry in the Railing Codex

In general, railings are a boundary feature.  Pararailing is, then,   a loose procession, a provisional state, a failed rhetoric, an un-free fall, a misaligned wish, an indefinite speculation;  a set of rules, a violation of rules, a gathering, a routine gathering, a foreshadowing, a note, a visit, an observation, a circumstance beyond plans, somewhere beyond railings;  a noun, a preposition, an adverb, a linking word, half of a wisecrack—an em dash;   A key? A keyhole.  

Text by Sixing Xu, May 2022

Pararailing Team Jie Shao Sixing Xu Snow Xuecan Ye

Website Development & Design Sixing Xu

Translation Jaime Chu Mike Fu Jiajing Lily Sun Sixing Xu Allen Young

English Copyediting Andrea Chu Kate Costello Jeff Crosby Matt Turner Aaris Woo

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Railing Codex /ˈreɪlɪŋ ˈkəʊdɛks/ 名词

1. 一个写作项目,由栏杆外于2022年5月发起,同年6月正式发布。

2. 一部不断扩充的词典,每册的作者从特定的词库中选择词语,并以任意文体、任意语言进行诠释。

3. 一场接力,其中每位写作者从完成的词条中选择另一个词语,加入下一册的词库,并邀请另一名作者参与下册的写作。

4. 一则故事,内容如下:

去年秋天,我们告别了在上海的实体空间,随后开始着手修改栏杆外的简介。如何精确地描述我们自己一直是一道难题:“机构”显得自视甚高,“组织”又有着些奇怪的古板气息。所幸,那时我们有一处空间,而任何接在“栏杆外是一个空间”后面的话都显得自然而然。  如今不再能求助于“空间”,我们又回到了起点。我们在公众号上发表的第一篇文章题为《栏杆外有什么》,现在则要刨根追问:栏杆外是什么?我们知道的是,栏杆外成立时,也就诞生了“栏杆外”这个自造词。词语背后的故事我们倒是熟稔。我们在维基百科上发现“栏杆”的词条如是说:“一般情况下,栏杆是一个边界部件。”  这种措辞严谨却古怪的定义令我们着迷。意味着“边界”的词语,在自身边界被划定的同时却显得开阔起来:某种入口向我们打开,通向它所不是的、在它之外的一切。什么是“非一般的情况”?在非一般情况下,“栏杆”是否就意味着它的反义词?那么,“栏杆外”可不可以是“栏杆”的定义一种?如此一来,任何形态的“栏杆”——家门口的,机场海关旁的,文化、国别、语言四周的——是否也就蕴含着对栏杆的跨越?  这些逻辑是否经得起严苛推敲不论,作为一种思维上的跨栏训练,却似乎能在这个处处埋伏着栏杆的世界,给我们带来一些什么。于是,在栏杆外成立的一年多后,我们把“词语”看成下一个有待跨越的栏杆,开启了 Railing Codex。如上述定义,Railing Codex是一个写作项目,邀请不同的写作者从特定词库中挑选词语,为其撰写定义词条。项目分期展开,而词条也相应地收录成册,汇成一部不断扩充的词典、一本共同撰写的百科全书。  今年四月,我们同第一批作者一起开始了Railing Codex第一册的编撰。第一册的词库与栏杆外的关系颇深。在栏杆外正式成立前,我们曾在一个谷歌文档上随手记录初期的点子与灵感。这个文档中有几页尽是单词,看上去零零散散,却包罗万象,涉及日常物品与行为、建筑部件、数学概念、地质学名词。“栏杆”也位列其中。

这是我们为自己取名时的头脑风暴的成果。最终“栏杆”脱颖而出,“栏杆外”随之而生,而其余的词变成了比赛中落败并无人问津的第二名,失落在这座小型辞海。我们一直没有忘记这些差一点可能就成为了栏杆外的词,于是将它们悉数选为Railing Codex的初始词库,供首期的二十位作者——包括了艺术家、策展人、写作者、诗人、学者、艺术从业者与栏杆外的三名组织者——挑选,并以任意的方式和语言阐释。  这是一次对栏杆外历史的打捞,也是对这些词语的营救行动。栏杆外策划项目的核心,总是要回归于最初与那个维基词条的碰撞,那次专注于平常词语的思索、想象与延展。营救词语,意味着把它从既有的定义与印象中解放,也是对于我们思维的放归。词语是构成我们的语言的基本单位,塑造着我们表达、沟通和认知的根本。词语平凡而广博,词典为它们工整地划分词性、类别,一册册装订捆好,为我们奉上深入浅出、手到擒来、取之不竭的知识。  我们越是熟悉词语,就越发感到它的陌生:剥去精美印刷在书页、网页和我们脑子里的含义,它是什么,又可以是什么?词语如何嫁接并渗透进我们的生活,或者,我们能怎样让生活、体验、情绪渗透进词语,渗透进词典?某一刻,油墨殷染,纸张软烂,然后我们就可以将知识重新塑型,像捏一块陶泥,让属于个人、信仰真实的意义拔地而起,作为我们的另一种宝典。  到那时,栏杆的宝典也会从栏杆外中解放,来到栏杆外之外的地方。Railing Codex收录的每一则词条正文中,都会标记出另一个词,由词条的作者挑选。这些新词将会被纳入下一册的词库,而这些作者也将每人邀请一名新的参与者,来诠释它们。词语的跨栏是一场接力赛,栏杆外不负责决定它的终点,而它最好没有终点——我们也想知道,栏杆外之外能延续到哪里。  在起点的地方,我们想分享修改后的栏杆外简介。那时Railing Codex的想法尚未萌生,但现在看来,可能早就孕育其中。这个“栏杆外”的词条,是Railing Codex的外一篇: 

一般情况下,栏杆是一个边界部件;那么,栏杆外是: 松散的队列,临时的状态,失败的修辞,不自由的落体,错位的愿望,待定的猜想; 规则,犯规,聚会,例会,伏笔,笔记,拜访,旁观,意外,栏杆外; 名词,介词,副词,连词,半个歇后语——一个破折号; 钥匙?钥匙孔。


栏杆外团队 邵捷 徐思行 叶雪粲

网站开发设计 徐思行

翻译 Jaime Chu 傅麦                            孙佳婧                       徐思行           杨安霖

英文编校 朱熙晴                       凯特·科斯特洛         谢飞                          笑川                 吴鍄颖                  

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