Ruotong Guan拍照。游荡。和遗忘做抗争。
Ruotong Guan photographs, wanders, and resists forgetting.
注解:昏暗、盲伥(晦暗不明的样子) 列星殒坠,旦暮晦盲。——《荀子·赋》 她看到她走进房门,便抬手示意她来床边坐下。 盛夏,整个屋子在阳光的照射下充满热气。 她在冬天因为头疼而经常戴着的大红色毛线帽也早已被摘下,露出短短的灰白色的头发。 她拉着刚刚坐下的人的手,带着笑意说:“你来啦。” 她直起身子,拍拍身边的她,眼神里露出一丝喜悦,“这两天在收拾衣柜,你猜我找到了什么?” 身边的人摇头。她拿起放在一旁的有些年代的裙子说:“是你小时候我给你做的裙子欸!现在估计是穿不上了,你小时候可喜欢穿着在楼下玩呢。” 身边的人开口说了话,语气似乎也是雀跃的,但她听不清楚,只看到嘴巴在一张一合。 她象征性地点了点头,眼神开始游离,不知道看向哪里,不知道她是不是看到了二十多年前的夏天坐在树下摇着扇子注视着孩童的自己。 过了好一会儿,她突然抓住身边她的手,用愉悦的语气说道:“我这两天在收拾衣柜,你猜我找到了什么?”
Definition: Dim, blind (appears to be shrouded in the dark) The arrayed stars have perished and fallen. Both day and night it is dark and gloomy. —Xunzi,_ _Chapter Fu
She saw a woman entering the room and motioned her to sit by the bed.
In the height of summer, the entire house was filled with the heat of the sun.
Her short-cropped, silver hair was showing. She had long taken off the bright red wool cap that she had often worn over the winter for her headache.
She pulled at the hand of the woman who had just sat down and smiled. “You came.”
She straightened her back, and with a smile in her eyes she patted the woman next to her. “Guess what I found when I was tidying up the closet these last few days?”
The woman who had just sat down shook her head. She picked up a few dresses at her side that seemed like they had seen some age. “I made these for you when you were a child! They probably don’t fit anymore. You used to love playing downstairs in them.”
The woman next to her opened her mouth to speak in a way that seemed like she was excited—but she could not hear her very well. She only saw her mouth opening and closing.
She nodded perfunctorily. Her eyes began to wander without focusing on anything in particular. Perhaps she saw herself in that summer twenty years ago, sitting under a tree with a fan and watching the child.
After a while, she grabbed the woman’s hand abruptly and said in a cheerful voice, “Guess what I found when I was tidying up the closet these last few days?”