
fixed star
Volume 5

奥菲利亚  / 

Ophelia  / 

精致  / 

delicate  / 

踉跄  / 

stagger  / 

恒星  / 

fixed star  / 

入侵  / 

invade  / 


summer  / 

雌雄同体  / 

hermaphrodite  / 

fixed star







Writer, cinephile, bookstore owner, curator.


For Ye Shen, all things are enumerable. His fascination lies not in the realm of mathematics, but in the simple act of counting itself. The peach fuzz hairs on his lover’s forehead (as he spoons her from behind, his left hand resting on her modest breast, and his right hand filling the space between her neck and the pillow. His fingers brush against her forehead; the barely audible sound of skin against fine hair becomes a whispered rhythm—1, 2, 3 … He can count them for two hours straight); the leaves on the 6th willow tree along the west bank of the park (the wind tosses the leaves and settles them down. A useful movement, because every 1 leaf traces its own trajectory in every 1 rise and 1 fall, and every 1 trajectory allows him to distinguish each leaf with his eyes closed); the golden ripples across the water’s surface in a reservoir at dusk (every 1 ripple must be counted before it dissipates into the water. He counts 7,000,450 before the first fixed stars appear in the twilight sky. The reservoir is a gold mine); the number of grains in a bowl of rice at dinner; the deviation on a certain winter morning of the right shoe from that one pair since they were placed in the shoe cabinet that autumn (he measures its movement along the gingham fabric of the cabinet divider 1 centimillimeter at a time. His counts reveal 1 significant displacement, instantly transporting him back to the night when, stumbling home drunk, he tripped and fell against the shoe cabinet doors. In that moment, he decided to get married); the number of horse-shaped clouds he once recognized (A total of 137 horses spread across 51 days. 77 were found in the afternoon. 19 were gilded by sunlight, and 36 he pointed out and shared with other people); the number of books whose final pages end with an even number; the list goes on.