
Volume 5

奥菲利亚  / 

Ophelia  / 

精致  / 

delicate  / 

踉跄  / 

stagger  / 

恒星  / 

fixed star  / 

入侵  / 

invade  / 


summer  / 

雌雄同体  / 

hermaphrodite  / 






Sean Lin


A designer, half a peddler
150% over-saturated human

诸神使者 Hermes 与美神 Aphrodite 曾生一俊的子名叫 Hermaphroditus。

有天,水仙女 Salmacis 因爱欲而不顾 Hermaphroditus 的意愿,与在泉水中沐浴的它结合,并祈求诸神使二人永不分离。 诸神允应,Hermaphroditus 自此成了阴阳同体的人。

后来,Hermaphroditus 另向他父母求愿: 凡有过此泉沐浴者,皆同它一样成雌雄同体的人。

这弯泉水位于今天土耳其境内的 Bodrum 城。


它们被泛称为 Intersex(间性人),也称雌雄同体人、阴阳人。

它们一般同时具有双性染色体,如 XXY。


有人生为女,而自主意识或受迫自认为男。 也有人是反过来的。

有人生为男,依自主意识或不依变成为女。 也有人是反过来的。

在一开始, 它们大多未知世界会成后来的样子。



可我曾听过一支秘密: 其实人人都男不男,女不女。

The strikingly beautiful offspring of Hermes, messenger of the gods, and Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, was named Hermaphroditus.

One day, the nymph Salmacis caught sight of Hermaphroditus bathing in a spring. Overcome with lust, she forcibly embraced him against his will and beseeched the gods to bind them together for eternity.

Later, Hermaphroditus made another plea to his parents: May all who bathe in this spring become androgynous, just as I am.

This spring is located in Bodrum, a small city in present-day Turkey.

Some people cannot be placed into the typical binary gender categories of male or female, due to variations in chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitalia.

They are generally referred to as “Intersex,” and sometimes androgynies, boy-girls or tomboys.

Intersex individuals often have a mix of sex chromosomes that differ from the typical XX or XY, such as XXY.

Some may have feminine features but a masculine physique, or the other way around.

Some are assigned female at birth but identify as male, either through self-discovery or due to external pressures. Some are the other way around.

Some are born male, but transition to female, either aligning with or diverging from their innate sense of self.  Some are the other way around.

In the beginning, Few could have foreseen the world as it is now.

Nature endows manhood and womanhood. Men are men, and women are women. They are attributes, not names.

Humanity also endows manhood and womanhood. Let the men be men, and the women be women.

But I once heard a secret:  In reality, no man is really a man, and no woman really a woman.