
Volume 3

拉扯  / 

pull  / 

绕道  / 

detour  / 

过敏原  / 

allergen  / 

注脚  / 

footnote  / 

悬停  / 

hover  / 


beak  / 


escape  / 

香烟  / 

cigarette  / 

脆弱  / 

vulnerability  / 

剧场  / 

theater  / 

anamerican  / 

anamerican  / 

出门  / 

go out  / 

炸锅  / 

deep fryer  / 

perceive  / 

perceive  / 

瓷器  / 

porcelain  / 


be  / 

喜悦  / 

joy  / 

想象  / 

imagination  / 

外乡人  / 

foreigner  / 


state of exception






Liga Zhang



“喙”,中文常用汉字之一。常用作名词、形容词等。多指鸟类的嘴或形容像鸟类嘴一样尖锐的东西。形声。字从口,从彖,彖亦声。“彖”本义指“上大下小的猪嘴”。“口”指鸟兽向前突出之口。“口”与“彖”联合起来表示“鸟兽突出前伸的上大下小,以上包下的嘴”。本义:鸟兽的上大下小,以上包下的长吻部。 - 百度百科  

喙   眼睛是两道伤口 鼻孔是两道伤口 耳孔是两道伤口 嘴巴是一道伤口 - 任航




“Beak” is a commonly used Chinese character as a noun, adjective, etc. It usually refers to the beak of a bird or something as sharp as a bird’s beak. It is a phonetic character. The character comes from the appearance of the mouth and the character is also a sound. The radical for “beak” originally refers to “a pig’s mouth that is big on the top and small on the bottom.” The radical for “mouth” refers to the mouth of a bird or animal that protrudes forward. The combination of the radicals “mouth” and “beak” means “the protruding mouth of a bird that is big on the top and small of the bottom; the upper part of the mouth covers the lower part of the mouth." The original meaning of “beak”: “the long snout of a bird that is big on the top and small on the bottom; the upper part of the mouth covers the lower part of the mouth.” —Baidu  

Beak The eye sockets are two wounds The nostrils are two wounds The ear canals are two wounds The cavity of the mouth is a wound —Ren Hang

A sharp, protruding opening that makes a hole on the face, we are creatures of the beak. Holes are containers of pain left behind by the beak. Pain permeated the air, filled the eye sockets, the nostrils, the ear canals, and the cavity of the mouth.   Eventually, the holes in my eyes healed, the holes in my ears healed, the holes in my mouth healed, the holes in my nose healed. I had no open wounds, no afflictions of blindness, deafness, muteness, or any other such misery. Someone told me that a guy named Dan Rooney once said: Perhaps this is the pure life.   But I found the beak again, and asked it to pierce seven more holes in my face. Pain permeated the air, filled my eye sockets, my nostrils, my ear canals, and the cavity of my mouth.