
Volume 3

拉扯  / 

pull  / 

绕道  / 

detour  / 

过敏原  / 

allergen  / 

注脚  / 

footnote  / 

悬停  / 

hover  / 


beak  / 


escape  / 

香烟  / 

cigarette  / 

脆弱  / 

vulnerability  / 

剧场  / 

theater  / 

anamerican  / 

anamerican  / 

出门  / 

go out  / 

炸锅  / 

deep fryer  / 

perceive  / 

perceive  / 

瓷器  / 

porcelain  / 


be  / 

喜悦  / 

joy  / 

想象  / 

imagination  / 

外乡人  / 

foreigner  / 


state of exception






Yuhang Zhang


Writer, member of Djinn Puddle

0.1克的细支爆珠Mevius——不知道这是第多少次,还是只有网上那几张图片,没有人买到过,即使从那些藏着无数卑劣秘密的香港超市老板那里也没有买到过,也压根没有人见过——就像印第安人的头颅,当然,你可以在Lucky Strike某款不易被买到口味的烟盒上见到他。那个镇宁路的香烟店老板花了半个小时才给我找来,这让我怀疑他是不是需要烧印第安人的头发来召唤这一包烟,或者把头发烧成烟丝——从结果来看,这两种操作并没有什么区别。   ‘如果挤碎胶囊可感受到最高纯度的爽快感,能享受天然薄荷100%的华丽的香味。’,配上数字合成的烟盒效果图。如果说,性是对消失的快感的模拟,那么,尼古丁蒸腾而上,就是对性的模拟,也就是模拟的模拟。那么,‘为什么要执行一个不存在的命令,生产一种不存在的产品呢?’   或许,是阿兹特克人最早洞悉了这个关于消失的秘密。已知,阿兹特克活人祭祀,每分钟要杀死14个人,那么要湮灭文明鼎盛时期的所有人口,就需要7142个小时,也就是298天,按照太阳历每月20天,需要15个月。作为宇宙文明的阿兹特克,终有一天(大概是100亿年以后),要去屠杀剩余的恒星,之后(1040年后),屠杀剩余的原子。所以,兄弟,‘能借个火吗?’

Mevius Slims 0.1 g with flavor capsules: I don’t know how many times I’d tried to get them, maybe they were just pictures online, no one had actually bought them, not even in one of those Hong Kong markets whose owners keep untold sordid secrets. No one had even seen them, just like the Indian head—of course, him you can see on the pack of a certain hard-to-find flavor of Lucky Strikes. It took the guy at the cigarette shop on Zhenning Road half an hour to find a pack for me, which made me wonder if he had to burn the Indian’s hair to summon one, or burn the hair into strands of tobacco—which, to judge by the results, would amount to the same thing.   “Crush the capsule for a sensation of pure pleasure, the refreshing taste of 100% natural menthol.” Alongside these words is a digital image of a pack of cigarettes. If sex is a simulation of vanished pleasure, then vaporized nicotine is a simulation of sex, a simulation of a simulation. In that case, “why carry out a nonexistent order to produce a nonexistent product?”

Perhaps the Aztecs were the first to understand the secret of disappearing. It’s known that they performed human sacrifices. Killing 14 people per minute, it would take 7142 hours to wipe out the entire population at the peak of its glory—that is, 298 days, which, in a solar calendar with 20 days per month, amounts to 15 months. As a cosmic civilization, the Aztecs will eventually (probably in 100 years) kill the remaining stars, and then (1040 years after that) kill the remaining atoms. So, brother, “got a light?”