
Volume 3

拉扯  / 

pull  / 

绕道  / 

detour  / 

过敏原  / 

allergen  / 

注脚  / 

footnote  / 

悬停  / 

hover  / 


beak  / 


escape  / 

香烟  / 

cigarette  / 

脆弱  / 

vulnerability  / 

剧场  / 

theater  / 

anamerican  / 

anamerican  / 

出门  / 

go out  / 

炸锅  / 

deep fryer  / 

perceive  / 

perceive  / 

瓷器  / 

porcelain  / 


be  / 

喜悦  / 

joy  / 

想象  / 

imagination  / 

外乡人  / 

foreigner  / 


state of exception







游荡在德国, 认真学习新技能中🎸🔨

Wandering around Germany and is serious about picking up new skills 🎸🔨


1.    有一个即将发生且你不想要的婚礼(非常重要)💒; 2.    为了戏剧效果,建议从婚礼仪式现场直接逃跑; 3.    提前规划好婚礼当天逃跑路线,必要的时候提前预定好出租车🚕,机票✈️甚至是宇宙飞船🛸; 4.    偷偷换上运动鞋👟,以便迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势地迅速跑出礼堂🏃‍♀️; 5.    为了避免冷场,提前录好一封给在场朋友和家长的解释信✉️(实在没有就算了); 6.    一个你可能从未爱过或可能从未爱过你的丈夫(不是很关键)🐷; 7.    在途中某处准备好替换衣服,全程穿婚纱会大大降低逃跑速度; 8.    噢,在换下衣服之前记得拍照留念📷; 9.    取回你早已存放在某处的很多钱(或一些钱?),身份证,护照和行李🧳; 10. 挥手道别吧👋; 11. 多年后你可能会遇到另一个混蛋,回到第一条,这次记得做得更好❤️; 11. 你可能还会继续逃,逃去另一个城市,逃去另一个国家,逃去另一个星球🪐; 12. 记得,妈妈爱你🚀


👰‍♀️Guide for Runaway Brides🧭:

  1. There is an upcoming wedding that you don’t want to take part in (this is crucial) 💒 ;
  2. For dramatic effect, consider running straight away from the wedding ceremony;
  3. Plan your escape route in advance: Book a taxi 🚕, a plane ticket ✈️, even spaceship 🛸 if necessary;
  4. Change into a pair of sneakers discreetly, so that you could storm out of the wedding hall in a flash 🏃‍♀️;
  5. To avoid any awkward silence, prepare a letter-of-explanation for your friends and parents in attendance ✉️(if possible);
  6. A husband whom you may have never loved or who may have never loved you (this is not as crucial) 🐷;
  7. Prepare a change of clothes along the way; running in a wedding dress will significantly slow down your escape;
  8. Oh, remember to take a photo of yourself before you change 📷;
  9. Retrieve a considerable amount (or any amount?) of money you’ve stashed away, along with your ID, passport, and luggage 🧳;
  10. Now, wave goodbye 👋;
  11. Years later, you may meet another asshole—return to the first step and remember do it better this time around ❤️;
  12. Your may continue to run away, to another city, another country, even another planet 🪐;
  13. Remember, your mom loves you 🚀.

💡 Pro tip: Please consider escape only as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. This decision could have permanent and irreversible effects on your life. Wishing you a happy and fulfilling life! 💕