
state of exception
Volume 3

拉扯  / 

pull  / 

绕道  / 

detour  / 

过敏原  / 

allergen  / 

注脚  / 

footnote  / 

悬停  / 

hover  / 


beak  / 


escape  / 

香烟  / 

cigarette  / 

脆弱  / 

vulnerability  / 

剧场  / 

theater  / 

anamerican  / 

anamerican  / 

出门  / 

go out  / 

炸锅  / 

deep fryer  / 

perceive  / 

perceive  / 

瓷器  / 

porcelain  / 


be  / 

喜悦  / 

joy  / 

想象  / 

imagination  / 

外乡人  / 

foreigner  / 


state of exception

state of exception





Cunlu Wang


Artist, designer, founder of the participatory art project “Promenade Hefei” Currently studying and practicing democratic design and social design. 



I find these days at home leisurely, serene. I have cereal for breakfast, order delivery for lunch, sip wine at night. I don’t work if there isn’t any. However, once this state crosses a certain threshold, a feeling of unease creeps over me. It’s like exiling myself from myself, setting boundaries between me, the world, and those people near me. But whenever that happens, if I pinpoint the center of a space, it’s always on a fixed boundary, not a true center—a “this is me” rather than a “what I am.” So I really like to travel. I mean the kind of long, aimless road trips where I drive into the night, midnight flings, smoking one cigarette after another, the darkness hiding all the flat scenery outside, freeing my mind to reimagine the unfamiliar landscape. I imagine a cliff, I imagine a snake sliding along it. I’ve driven alone to a lot of faraway places, an experience that fills the emptiness of lying in bed, staring at my phone until I realize that loneliness won’t make me go to sleep any earlier and that I can’t make rational plans for my physical needs anymore. Often I feel like getting a late-night snack, but each time I just put up with the hunger because I don’t want to get out of bed. Even so, I’ve still never gone inside, and probably that’s what I need to prepare for in the coming days.   Nowadays I like to use lemon when I cook, but that’s not the point. The point is that I don’t order delivery anymore.