Yuqing Lin携带网兜漫游中
Roaming around with a mesh bag
身体的孔隙①,神经迷走②和地图的秘密路径③。 ① “按照十岁时命数师看手相的说法,我三天前就已经死掉。” 说这句话时她正将一大把绿色果皮装进桌边的白色的瓷碗中,这句话也许一半是真的,她刚经历完严重的季节性过敏,整个春天我们都只好将家中的门窗都紧闭。不是常常会有那样的时刻吗,人们玩在一块,会开始比赛手的灵巧程度。有人能将大拇指向后翻折啦,有人双手能在背后反向相扣啦,然后引来众人的一阵惊呼,她喜欢向人们展示自己手心奇特的生命线,甚至在我们第一次约会的时候,在羽毛球场,她突然摊开手给我看,那条线依斜在掌心,如同一颗歪斜的小树。 ② 迷走是一种怪异的行走方式,在黏性的意识的海岸,身体因失去中心而相互连接。 ③ 海外见闻: 加拿大化石爱好者因盗采布尔吉斯页岩而被重罚
The pores of the body ①, spiritual vagabonding ②, and the secret paths of a map ③. ① “According to the fortune teller who read my palm when I was ten years old, I should have died three days ago.” She was stuffing a wad of fruit peels into a white porcelain bowl near the table as she said this. Maybe this statement was half true. She’d just made it through severe seasonal allergies; all spring we’d kept our windows and doors firmly shut. Isn’t this pretty common—people who hang out together end up comparing their manual dexterity. Some people can bend their thumbs all the way back, others can clasp their hands together behind their backs. And then, to the amazement of the crowd, she liked to show people the peculiar life line on her palm. Even on our first date, she abruptly showed me her hand on the badminton field. The line was slanted across her palm, like a tree that had grown crooked. ② Vagabonding is a strange way of moving through the world. On the viscous shores of consciousness, bodies become interconnected by way of losing their center. ③ International headline: A Canadian fossil enthusiast receives a steep penalty for illegally taking a piece of fossil from the Burgess Shale In the past, cartographers would draw islands separately on the map—islands so tiny that they could only serve as footnotes to continents. The cartographer sliced through coordinates as if dissecting leaf specimens. And so the islanders toiled in the morning and retreated into the silence of the rocks by night, quietly recalibrating the axis of the world back to their island.