Gui Juezi诡谲子是一名酷儿跨国文化评论家,关注批判理论、后结构主义、后殖民主义、政治美学与华语语系研究。他当前的研究方向为东亚现代性、华语语系下的跨国主义、港台文学、华语马来文学与跨太平洋华语语系表述。他也是播客《例外状态》的主播。他本科毕业于加拿大加拿大西蒙菲莎大学哲学系与语言学系,硕士毕业于比利时鲁汶大学文化研究专业。他以跨国敏感性为理论框架,展开针对离散文学与影像之政治的研究。
Gui Juezi is a queer transnational culture critic whose work centers on critical theory, post-structuralism, post-colonialism, political aesthetics, and Sinophone studies. His current research interests include East Asian modernity, Sinophone transnationalism, Hong Kong literature, Taiwan literature, Sinophone Malaysian literature, and Sinophone trans-pacific articulations. He is the host of the podcast State of Exception. He holds a BA in Philosophy and Linguistics at Simon Fraser University in Canada, and a MA in Cultural Studies at KU Leuven in Belgium. He engages in the politics of diaspora literature and films through a theoretical framework built upon transnational sensitivity.
在疫情時代的中國,這意味密接、次密接、次次密接,或時空伴隨。這種對於contact、intersect、encounter 的流行病學化和政治化的話語,宣告了一種新型的生命政治。這種生命政治消滅了人與人之間的親密接觸和偶然相遇的可能性。這種政治強迫人進行自我隔離或強制隔離從十四天到無限不等。
主權者對這些相交地帶contact zone 進行強制隔離,旨在製造出地型學上的真空。這種真空地帶意味著自由的真空和權力的豐滿,這是權力以疫情為理由所創造的例外狀態。一種不可相交性。
In an ontological sense, an intersection signifies an encounter between two entities, either accidental or inevitable; a state that implies a certain superposition of the two in time or space. In COVID-era China, “intersection” had become virtually interchangeable with contact-tracing neologisms such as direct contact, secondary contact, tertiary contact, or time-space companion. This epidemiological and politicized discourse around the terms “contact,” “intersect,” and “encounter” heralded a new biopolitics that eliminated the possibility of intimacy and chance encounters between individuals. This politics forced people into self-isolation or mandatory quarantines that lasted from fourteen days to indefinite lengths of time.
The sovereign puts contact zones under mandatory quarantine in order to manufacture a topographical vacuum. There is an absence of freedom and abundance of power in the vacuum—a state of exception manufactured by power under the pretext of the pandemic. A type of non-intersectability. This impossibility to intersect leads to the impossibility of solidarity. To develop ideological friction and intimacy in the real world is a kind of physical intersection and congregation that poses a threat to power.