
Volume 1

断层  / 

fault  / 

然而  / 

however  / 

平移  / 

translation  / 

对流  / 

convection  / 

近日点  / 

perihelion  / 

裂缝  / 

crack  / 

门廊  / 

porch  / 


edge  / 

质数  / 

prime  / 

填充  / 

fill  / 


wait  / 

折叠  / 

fold  / 


narrow  / 


family  / 

平行  / 

parallel  / 

扉页  / 

title page  / 

窗口  / 

window  / 


rent  / 

喧哗  / 

clamor  / 


line segment

Volume 1

断层 / 

fault / 

然而 / 

however / 

平移 / 

translation / 

对流 / 

convection / 

近日点 / 

perihelion / 

裂缝 / 

crack / 

门廊 / 

porch / 


edge / 

质数 / 

prime / 

填充 / 

fill / 


wait / 

折叠 / 

fold / 


narrow / 


family / 

平行 / 

parallel / 

扉页 / 

title page / 

窗口 / 

window / 


rent / 

喧哗 / 

clamor / 

线段 / 

line segment / 





Snow Xuecan Ye


Lives in Shanghai and has been under lockdown for more than a month now, drawing every day to stay active and ingesting huge quantities of daikon, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, and real and fake news, along with all sorts of unnameable colors.


For the membranoids, the filling is a rite of passage carried out by a priest. In the first three hundred days of its life, the membranoid’s body is an empty, curled-up, shriveled sac with translucent white skin, thin as a cicada’s wing, so inconspicuous that it’s easy to miss. When the day arrives, the priest rolls over and extends a thin tube into its mouth—its only orifice. A black liquid seeps in with a ghostly speed, searching, stretching, expanding the sticky dry skin. Its mouth makes a sound like a cry of pain, which is why this body opening ceremony is often taken for torture. The initial liquid doesn’t need to fill the creature; it merely creates a cavity to awaken a need. It is less an act of filling than a recognition of a deficiency, a deficiency that leaves the adult membranoid always unsatisfied, constantly seeking to swallow everything in its fearsome mouth. Its body will gradually swell almost to the point of bursting, and if it’s not careful, it will split open and die. Pain and danger will not quench its desire, because the membranoids have an innate tolerance. This is the gift of their coming of age.