
Volume 1

断层  / 

fault  / 

然而  / 

however  / 

平移  / 

translation  / 

对流  / 

convection  / 

近日点  / 

perihelion  / 

裂缝  / 

crack  / 

门廊  / 

porch  / 


edge  / 

质数  / 

prime  / 

填充  / 

fill  / 


wait  / 

折叠  / 

fold  / 


narrow  / 


family  / 

平行  / 

parallel  / 

扉页  / 

title page  / 

窗口  / 

window  / 


rent  / 

喧哗  / 

clamor  / 


line segment

Volume 1

断层 / 

fault / 

然而 / 

however / 

平移 / 

translation / 

对流 / 

convection / 

近日点 / 

perihelion / 

裂缝 / 

crack / 

门廊 / 

porch / 


edge / 

质数 / 

prime / 

填充 / 

fill / 


wait / 

折叠 / 

fold / 


narrow / 


family / 

平行 / 

parallel / 

扉页 / 

title page / 

窗口 / 

window / 


rent / 

喧哗 / 

clamor / 

线段 / 

line segment / 

2022.04.18 2022.05.07


æ ໒꒱


æ ໒꒱


Practicing living a life of minor importance in this progress of socialization


Saturday  · post office (greeting card & luggage)  · job interview  · grocery store  · get sleeping pills


Tuesday ×  Jeune and Jolie visit → hair salon ·   find the name of an unknown song


Monday × new gloves ·  gardening × do laundry × meal prep × paint nails……


No one was home yesterday. The blanket got soaked in the rain and then dried out. Dried clothes for proper curtains, curtains vacillating between separation and the desire to touch, vacillations that triggered a tentative invitation, the invitee as a heart unleashed.

Saturday  · post office (greeting card & luggage)  · job interview  · grocery store  · get sleeping pills

In 2015, the municipal government allocated nearly $1.7 million to battle the spread of dandelions, but the efforts proved largely ineffective and were discontinued last year. Councilors reported that no effective control measures were found. Currently, Calgary has adopted a more lenient approach towards its dandelion problem, applying only mild herbicides. Additionally, the city has launched pilot projects to control dandelions, including unconventional methods such as goat grazing.

Tuesday ×  Jeune and Jolie visit → hair salon ·   find the name of an unknown song

In my memory, the relationship has entered a new chapter. Emotions seize the bench on which conversations once unfolded, crawling all over it like vines. Its gaze, delicate and fragile, seems to be whispering to someone unknown: “Hold me.” Or it might be saying: “I’m so happy you are here.” Then it says, “Your hair looks lovely.”

Monday × new gloves · gardening × do laundry × meal prep × paint nails …

Morning Weather Forecast: The impact of the recent heavy rainfall has subsided, and temperatures are on the rise. With the summer monsoon blowing in from the ocean, it's an ideal time for outdoor activities. Fruits have begun to ripen on the kapok trees: their cotton-like fluff are swirling, racing, floating around in the air, before falling to the ground where they gather dust. These fibers may irritate our respiratory system, causing pilling on our insides.