Dot Zhihan Jia她关心女性口述历史,练习关怀。
She is interested in women’s oral history and practices care.
她 轻 易 裂 地 缝 坠 入
裂缝是边缘向中心的入侵。在那些语言到不了的地方,它是字景中荒烟蔓草之间的蜿蜒小径。 山是山的边界,悒郁的灵魂无所依傍。庞大的意识体不为情所动。囫囵吞下的字卡在了脖子上的铁链。
此身非她有。裂缝是成为,是coming into existence。现在,她需要成为裂缝。
She easily weightlessly The falls crack in to
Cracks invade from the periphery toward the center. Wherever language cannot reach, they are the winding paths in a wasteland of wild smoke, weeds in a landscape of words. The mountain is the boundary of mountains, and the melancholic soul has nothing to lean on. An enormous body of consciousness remains unmoved by emotions. The words she swallows become stuck in the chain around her neck.
Cracks create both distance and intimate interdependency. In the face of a voracious current, the voiceless tongue murmurs the story from her remote land.
Neither bright nor dark, neither quiet nor loud. There is no visible cavity to hide inside the giant rock, but looking more closely, cracks appear when words fail to say what they mean. Oscillating in ambiguity, bodies with their blurred boundaries impede on one another and become entwined, frictive—a force of resistance. This body is not hers. Cracks are a becoming, a coming into existence. She needs to become a crack now.