
Volume 1

断层  / 

fault  / 

然而  / 

however  / 

平移  / 

translation  / 

对流  / 

convection  / 

近日点  / 

perihelion  / 

裂缝  / 

crack  / 

门廊  / 

porch  / 


edge  / 

质数  / 

prime  / 

填充  / 

fill  / 


wait  / 

折叠  / 

fold  / 


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family  / 

平行  / 

parallel  / 

扉页  / 

title page  / 

窗口  / 

window  / 


rent  / 

喧哗  / 

clamor  / 


line segment

Volume 1

断层 / 

fault / 

然而 / 

however / 

平移 / 

translation / 

对流 / 

convection / 

近日点 / 

perihelion / 

裂缝 / 

crack / 

门廊 / 

porch / 


edge / 

质数 / 

prime / 

填充 / 

fill / 


wait / 

折叠 / 

fold / 


narrow / 


family / 

平行 / 

parallel / 

扉页 / 

title page / 

窗口 / 

window / 


rent / 

喧哗 / 

clamor / 

线段 / 

line segment / 





Lotus Wang


Independent curator and disappointed researcher of "Ruguanism."


Originally, the character jia meant “interior of a house” or “dwelling.” Over the course of its evolution, jia gradually acquired broader connotations. In the Book of Songs, an ancient collection of poetry from the Western Zhou dynasty, it states: “Heaven does not weary in its favor. The martial king Wu maintained (the confidence of) his officers, and employed them all over the kingdom, so securing the establishment of his Family (jia).” Here, the character for house first took on the meaning of “family” that modern people associate it with today. Society’s smallest political unit, the family originated in the patriarchal institution of marriage and persisted through the long-term collusion between Confucian culture and feudal rule. As the opening of the Confucian classic The Great Learning states, “The ancients who wished to manifest their bright virtue throughout the world first governed their states; to govern the state, one must first regulate the family; to regulate the family, one must first cultivate the self.” Thus “regulating the family” was seen as foundational training for governing the state, and the family was understood as the testing ground for entering official service. Under the system of hereditary rule, family and state held the same structure: the family was a microcosm for the state, and the state was an extension of the family. Parents were their children’s highest authority, as well as the primary outlets for ideological dissemination. The traditional family structure continues to influence society to this day: though China has entered the modern era, political authority still reflects a “patriarchal” style, in alignment with its traditional concepts of governing the state alongside regulating the family.